Make Believe Bonus: Tokyo Kabukicho Tower
Checking In On A Free DJ Party From The Heart Of An Arcade Built For Visitors
Namco Tokyo DJ Party 02, Photo By Authoer
There’s an almost immediate divide between locals and tourists at the DJ night inside an arcade.
The floor is almost fully Japanese, everyone bouncing along to the Showa-dipped electronic sounds of Haretokidoki. Some people have glowsticks, one diehard corner to the left wave CDs around in time with the music, nearly everyone takes part in some vigorous para para moves when the music calls for it.
The outside space surrounding the dance area, though, feature predominantly tourists staring somewhat slack jawed at what they are seeing. Most were playing crane games or the big-sized Mario Kart when they noticed the party playing out next to an assortment of capsule toy machines. They gravitated over to watch, a few recording the events in front of them. A few eager onlookers weaved their way inside to bop along with the crowd.
It’s a good snapshot of Tokyo tourism in late 2023, all centered in a building built for this visiting audience.