Every journalist has a list of dream stories — the fantasy interview, the in-depth feature into a scene that feels like a new world, the novelty reporting story destined to showcase said writer’s wit (these are usually centered around cruises).
I believe they also have a list of stories that they want to get published because of just how out there they are. These aren’t prestige pieces or works bound to resonate through the halls of history. They are closer to dares. “Could I get this published somewhere? I’d be a legend.” I assume others have ideas like this precisely because I have a long list of such niche-even-within-a-niche pitches (editors, pay attention now!). They include: the etymology of the word “weeb;” figuring out just how far you can go using those Luup scooters; the history of failed Japanese convenience stores; Mr. James, where is he now; and of course, Scatman John And Japan, A Love Affair.
Up there though is an idea — nee, a desire — I’ve had for a few years now. I want to interview people who record natural noise in Japan and release them as free-to-use tracks. Specifically, I want to talk with the people / person behind freetousesounds, one of the most successful Bandcamp operations ever.